Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chapter 26

I am writing this from my grandparents' house. When my brother called to say our grandmother had spent the weekend in the hospital, I decided I could wait no longer. I had to come. I got Delia (an Egyptian woman with a Ph.D. in English) to work my last two shifts of the week for me, and I left Monday morning.

Right now I’m sitting talking with my brother and our friend Tony. We just went out to move some things in the garage and look at the stars. It was the first time I’d seen Taurus and Pegasus. Tony had taken astronomy and pointed them out to me.

Well, it looks like we’re going to go out to eat, though it is 11:19 PM. I guess I’ll get back to this later. Maybe even get back to the actual story rather than my own problems. Now there’s a novel concept for a novel - sticking to the story...

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